J. Thomas-Like


J. Thomas-Like

J. Thomas-Like

Contemporary, Chick Lit, Romance

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  • Member Since

    Nov 2015

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  • Country

    United States

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I greet you and welcome you to my website! Bear with me as this site wends and winds itself through many changes.

I've been a writer all my life, really. It started when I dictated stories to my older family members so they could write them down and I could illustrate. Once I learned to write on my own, I also taught myself to type. From that point forward, people were hard-pressed to get me away from the typewriter (or the laptop, these days).

I spent the majority of my adulthood doing the 9 to 5 thing for others, while trying to keep my dream of being a full time writer alive. I think there comes a point in life where you either spend your energy on living the dream or waste your time burying it in the past.

Whether or not I find fame and fortune is beside the point. I plan to spend more time doing what I love than tolerating what I must.

As the books get finished, I hope you'll come along for the ride!


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